Permanently Eliminate Any Destructive Emotion
in Five Minutes or Less

Mind Wiping

120 pages
28 illustrations
5.5" X 8.5"
$15.99 + s/h

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About Us

Jessica and Sarah Meredith
Jessica & Sarah Meredith
Disneyland 2009
Celebrating Their Birthday

Sarah Meredith
Glendale, California

When Medicine, Chiropractic and Alternative Medicines failed to correct Sarah's life threatening health problem, she did not give up. Instead, she experimented over and over until she found a cure.

Many times she was forced to become a scholar or die. Her life appeared to have followed a pattern. First, she'd have a health problem (or injury); after which she'd make the rounds of doctors and finally, in frustration study on her own until she found a cure.

Over time Sarah found a combination of natural, scientific self-healing procedures that work in harmony to remove emotional and physical problems. Her methods work the same on everyone who uses them.

Today Sarah is in private practice part-time and divides the remaining time between playing and writing.

Jessica Meredith
Canoga Park, California

Growing up as Sarah's daughter, Jessica learned from an early age that things are not always as they seem. Fear of losing her mother was always in the back of her mind every time Sarah faced a new health challenge.

With Sarah's help, Jessica learned to have greater confidence, speak her mind and start to truly enjoy her life. She gained a true understanding of why things happened and how to change things for the better. She soon began working with Sarah. Her bubbly joy and great empathy was heard all over the world, as she took the time to listen, then guide others into a happier life.

After several years of helping one person at a time through personal counseling, Jessica decided it was time to start writing. All it took was getting Sarah to agree.

Today you will find Jessica still in practice with Sarah.

Our Mission

Our Mission is to experience world peace within our lifetime. Religion and governments have historically failed to establish peace. Despite their failure, we really feel it can be done. Our plan is to do that through the knowledge and techniques offered in our publications.

We've started our mission with Mind Wiping. Mind Wiping is a self-help tool that results in lasting peace of mind. Mind Wiping works the same for everyone who uses it.

In April of 2009, the word "fear" was typed into Google search engines from 60,000,000 searchers throughout the world. That was a 20,000,000 increase over the preceding month.

The United Nations (UN) is an international organization whose stated aims are to facilitate cooperation in international law, international security, economic development, social progress, human rights, and achieving world peace.

Yet, type "peace" into Google. Notice there are over 42,000,000 web sites with "peace" written on their site.. "Peace of mind" has over 39,900,000 entries. We have spent thousands, upon thousands of dollars each year with counselors and therapist, just to have peace-of-mind. People really do want peace, not war or emotional pain. Mind Wiping results in peace and peace-of-mind. It erased emotional pain.

Did you know that the average adult has three people who will listen to them, often taking their advice? A little further out are seven others who will politely listen. That's a total of eleven when we include ourselves. Each of those you influence in turn have ten others who will listen to them. In the end, we are all connected. We share the planet. By using Mind Wiping on ourselves and being willing to share the results we experience, we can each make a difference.

Yes, this Mission is huge, however working together, this time we really have a chance for world peace. One person at a time.

Today, we invite you to be that one person. We can change the world. We can live in peace.